
Save with Massage Therapy Discounts Especially for Our Members in Edmonton

Massage Quest Membership

Discover the transformative power of regular professional massages, where indulgence meets essential self-care for a harmonious mind and body. Our membership plan is your personal commitment to prioritizing wellness, elevating your quality of life with each therapeutic session. Join us on a journey of rejuvenation and holistic well-being, embracing the profound benefits of consistent massage treatments for a healthier, happier you.

Become A Massage Quest Member!

When you join our 12-month membership plan, you’ll pay just $100 per month for one massage each month. This saves you 20% on the full price!

That’s it—there are no other fees attached to the plan!

Once you’ve signed up, you’ll enjoy the reduced member price of $100 for every 60-minute massage treatment you enjoy during those 12 months. That means that if you decide you’d like to visit us more than once per month, we’ll give you the reduced member price then, too.

As a further bonus, we’ll extend the reduced membership price to family members living in your household, even if they’re not signed up for our membership plan. (Please note, as a signed-up Massage Quest member, you’ll still need to fulfill your monthly commitment regardless of how often your family members receive treatments.)

If you decide not to come for one month, your therapeutic massage treatment can be saved and used for another month during the 12 months. We’ll process your monthly treatment fee and keep it on file for an additional session during your membership. 

Membership plan summary

Did you miss a session? No problem

We all get busy sometimes – and that’s not an issue! You can use missed sessions at any point during your 12-month membership period, provided you remain an active Massage Quest member. (Please note, any unused sessions will expire if not redeemed within 60 days of membership cancellation).

Your family members can benefit too!

Once you sign up, other family members within your household will also benefit from the reduced member price. No extra commitment, no contracts, and no monthly obligation. (Yes, we’re that invested in the physical and mental wellness of you and your loved ones!)

Refer a Friend

Recommend us to a friend or family, it would mean a lot to us! They’ll surely appreciate it because you do!

Membership FAQs

If you’re a Massage Quest newbie (welcome!), chances are you have some questions. Here you’ll find answers to the most commonly asked questions. 

Need to know anything else? Please call or email us, or use our online contact form, and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

There is no additional membership fee. As a Massage Quest member, you’ll enjoy a reduced price on at least one massage per month for a duration of 12 months. That’s it!

There is no pre-charge. You’ll pay for each treatment when you come to your appointment. If a month goes by without you booking a treatment, the monthly treatment fee will be processed at the end of that month. We’ll keep the payment on file as a credit, which you can still redeem for a professional massage during your membership.

Simply save it for a rainy day! If you don’t visit us one month, your monthly treatment fee will be processed and kept on file for an additional session during your membership.
If you don’t think you can commit to a monthly treatment for a duration of 12 months, simply book sessions at the frequency that suits you, and pay our higher non-member price each time.

After each massage, the registered therapist who treated you will provide a signed receipt which you can send to your insurance company for reimbursement. Prior to your treatment, please ensure you check with your provider whether you qualify for coverage.

We direct-bill to most insurance companies, but please note that not all insurance companies and benefit plans allow electronic billing. Please reach out to your insurance company and inquire about your plan’s procedures prior to your treatment.

It’s entirely up to you—you can either book with the same registered therapist or try out a different one each time.

No, you can continue to visit Massage Quest without being a member by paying the higher non-member price.

Massage Therapy Discounts with our Membership in Edmonton